Today was our official first day of summer! It rained a monsoon... ALL day long! Originally, we had grand plans of lounging in our leisure, eating bonbons and watching television talk shows- oh yes, there are the children to think of... :) No, instead we immediately got into the hustle and bustle that comes with selling one's home. In the twenty days since we've been on the market, we've had ten showings. You do the math... I've never professed to be a clean freak, but I sure am now. I am NOT complaining though (too much). If this keeps up, there must be one person that will want to buy, right?
At any rate, after a few hours of picking up messes, we were off to see the doctor.
Mairin was to go with her father to the grocery, while Maggie would accompany Molly and me to the doc. As
Mairin does, she decided that she instead wanted to go to the doctor. In fact, her words were, "Why does Maggie get to go when I have something so hurtful???" Um... what? "My stomach, my head, my lips are dry..." I guess she couldn't think of anything more, and I had to walk away to hide the huge smile that spread across my face! Needless to say, she went with Dad, ailments and all!
Our trip to the doctor was nothing to note. The good news is that Molly does not have another ear infection. The bad news is that her bad mood may just be a part of her almost-two-year-old
temperament! UGH! Did I mention it was raining? How about that it was cold? Was it ever... 53* to be exact... That made it a fun jaunt through the parking lot for Maggie (IN FLIP FLOPS- seriously, who dresses that kid?)... We decided to meet Daddy and
Mairin for lunch. Then off to get haircuts.
I must tell you that Molly's first haircut was a complete disaster! By disaster I mean screaming, crying, flailing baby being held by her mother while a lovely woman tries her best NOT to stab anything, but still to trim said baby's hair... This says it best...

Today was much better! She was happily watching Elmo, while I sat on pins and needles waiting for the ball to drop. Maggie got her hair layered, too. Pretty cute, but a bit of a "big girl do" for my taste. I guess that has to happen...
We finally came home and all Hell broke loose! I guess they had forgotten how much they hate being indoors because they were absolutely crazy! We put Molly down and Maggie started in on how bored she was, then we heard an eruption in the garage, which was
Mairin falling while trying to hit her father (karma) onto the garage floor... We walk over her and unload the groceries... and so it goes. One
catastrophe after another... At four thirty we got in the car for the showing and sighed a big sigh of relief. Elmo back on, markers and Polly Pockets kept our kids occupied for the hour, strapped in and relatively in harmony...
So, how many more days until school starts??? :)