Thursday, July 30, 2009

My screaming girls

I'm sitting here procrastinating packing a while longer and all I hear is a panting dog and intermittent screams from the garage. It's my girls, "playing" I guess? Who knows, but those screams are endless! I'm quite certain that the high-pitched squeals are reeking havoc on many of the neighborhood dogs! Here's proof that it starts early ( I cannot figure out how to turn the video. It's turned in my Picasa file, but not when I export...)!:

Good thing she's cute!
That's all for today. Look forward to posts on outdoor concerts, chocolate wine, the big move, and MRIs...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Unwritten rules...

Today we visited with some great friends at the splash park. It was such a lovely day outside, the quintessential Indiana summer day (before the dog-days set in). The girls had a really good time, and so did I, until about ten minutes before we were to leave...

There are some unwritten rules about going out in public with children. Some that people never tell you... For instance, when you bring a sweet, like a lollipop, bring enough for every child at the venue (which Jenni did because she is fabulous, and obviously knows the rules). Here are some others:

- When you plan to leave the venue, subtract 15 minutes. That way you get out prior to the "we've stayed far too long" meltdowns.
- ALWAYS bring two drinks for each child (and a flask for you). When the first is gulped at the onset, you have a spare for later...
- Regardless of how many times you went to the bathroom before you left, any child between the ages of 3 and 5 will need to go as soon as you reach the venue.
- Everyone else's lunch is better than the one you've made, it doesn't matter that you cut off the crusts.
- The longer you are there the stronger the chance that someone will get a cut, scratch, gash... BRING a band-aide or four.
- That fluid streaming from the swim diaper is probably not water if your child has not actually been submerged, they don't absorb...
- Yes, you really should wait after applying sunblock. Don't put it on and then send your kids into the pool- sort of defeats the purpose, but we all do it...

There are so many... Some seem like common sense, but clearly when you have children common sense is at a minimum and lessens with each child. These are things that even the wisest, most experienced parents have to learn as they go. I'm just lucky that I have so many girlfriends who are learning right alongside me, and we can laugh (and cry) about it together!

For another laugh, here's a writer who has some unwritten rules on baseball and life. I thought it was funny. Hope you do, too.

Friday, July 24, 2009

This never gets old...

I can remember being a little kid and being so excited to take in film to get it developed so I could see what great pics I took. I can also remember the stab of disappointment when the pictures came back too blurry, too far away, or with a finger nicely placed in the foreground... As we got older, I can recall taking many a photo with my girlfriends where one of us took the picture with our arms stretched out in front as far as they'd go. Heather and I ALWAYS did this on trips we'd take. Yes, usually our hair didn't totally make it into the frame.

Nowadays, the fun is taken out of waiting for your film to process. Instead we are given the instant gratification of checking our pictures to see if eyes are closed or if hair fits. One of Mairin's favorite pastimes is to take the camera and shoot away. I have scores of pictures of her favorite Disney shows, our dog, the computer and random household objects. Yes, I also have a trove of self-portraits that she has taken. I laugh out loud each and every time, so I thought I'd share them with you. I'm sure you have a few of your own...

And a "grown-up" version for Heather!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Rain, Rain, go away...

It's a nasty day! Cool and rainy. Good for three things, being lazy, cleaning house, or shopping... I say we shop! We'll see what happens...

8 hours later

Well, we shopped until we dropped. Literally. I am exhausted. The girls had the time of their lives shopping at "the mall". We took full advantage of the sale racks and got some cute back-to-school loot! I can tell I'm stressed because I am shopping online again, and felt little remorse for buying trinkets from Claires for the ladies.

Shopping isn't really something I enjoy. Sure, I like to roam the isles at Target, but true, trying it on, walking in and out of stores, shopping is not my thing.... UNLESS I am stressed. Then I can spend it like I've got it (which I don't)... My girls do not have this problem. They could shop all day, everyday, as long as they get something from it. Well, today they did and so did their dad. Me? No, I didn't buy anything, but I did get to have fun through the eyes of two little girls who know how to work a sale rack- just like their mommy...
Makes me so proud!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Volcanos and Hope

Remember how I said it was stressful to sell a house? Boy, I had no clue! Ready to ride the wave of insanity with me?

Last week was nuts... My stepdad got really sick, like gonna die any minute, you must travel south two states sick. So, Wednesday morning I said good-bye to my family (again) and drove to TN with my sister-in-law and my two nephews. While I was doing this, the hubby was busying himself getting the attic packed and cleaning for our reinspection on Friday. His sister graciously helped me pack the downstairs the night prior to my departure, and then took our three ladies for a fun sleepover (good people).

Thursday- stepdad improves by God's grace (and I do mean grace)! Husband continues with house clean/purge/repairs. I do not sleep.

Friday- reinspection does not go well. The buyers walk up without the smiles of excited new home owners, without the cordial greeting one would have when meeting the man who is now living in the home they can't wait to buy. Instead they seem disgruntled, ill-at-ease, and my husband is wondering why they are even in this... The inspector says the work that is done is shotty in some areas, and he is a bit right. They leave without saying good-bye... not a good sign...

Saturday- no word (not good). I drive home and listen to whatever I want on the radio... It's like a sensory smorgasbord, and I cannot decide between news radio, Sirius pop music, or Hair Nation! I love satellite radio!!!! I am filled with new worries as I pull into the driveway... what if it all falls through? Quickly followed by, it can't, they're way too invested!

Sunday- We made it to church on time (seldom happens). I prayed for the Lord to take this over. I feel like a volcano, truly. Like I could just snap at any minute, erupt in anger and stress. Handing things over is not my strong suit. I tend to be a control freak, but I knew that this was important for my health. So I gave it up to Him. Whatever was His will, I asked to accept it. After church we drove by our new house and there was a SOLD sign in the yard! Ahhh, some closure. Surely we would get this done!

The husband golfed that afternoon and the girls and I swam and enjoyed the summer sun. I sat down to watch Food Network and make a list of things to do for the week ahead when the husband came home. He was strangely vacant, finding things to busy himself instead of greeting me with a kiss and telling me about his golf game. Then he told me- "We lost our buyers today." BOOM- volcanic ash all over my living room! Not pretty! We talked, I cried, we drank, I cried, then I remembered that this is no longer mine. I gave it up earlier that day. I cried anyway...

You still with me? It gets better, I promise!

Monday- I was a zombie. You know how when you break a bone and have to tell the story to EVERYONE you see, repeatedly, hour after hour? I was not looking forward to that, so I just stayed inside and busied myself with kitchen tasks. Laura came over and helped tremendously. We cleaned the fridge, freezer, baked. It was good. I felt MUCH better, peaceful almost! Not my problem, right? Hubby was out golfing (big surprise, I know).

We went to the neighbor's for dinner and to hang. The husband comes rushing over around six, "We have a showing in an hour... gotta get cleaning!" UGH- wasn't ready for day one to start so fast... Long story short, (ok, not really), we had an offer on the table at 9! Seriously! What a rollercoaster.

It's still early, but things feel right this time. Maybe because I have no control of it, and I'm ok with that. Maybe all this HAD to transpire, so we could remember who is in charge... I just hope He likes this group and that we can move now... I'll let you know... :)