Ok, so I know I've sucked at blogging lately. Quite honestly, I've sucked at reading blogs, blogging, writing, grading papers, cleaning house, and so on lately. I have been really good at reading, working on my online classroom, and eating. Hope that counts for something!
So, here's a quick rundown of what's been up here! We had a great Christmas. My mom was here, which was interesting, but it was good to have her for the holidays. We enjoyed the time off work and just with family.
The Colts lost the Super Bowl, but we had fun with our good friends.
It's done nothing but snow here and it's on my nerves.
My two oldest girls are playing basketball for the first time. They seem to be enjoying it. I know their daddy likes seeing his girls out there!
Last week we joined a new gym/workout facility/pool. We went yesterday for the first time. Mind you, I used to be a workout junkie. When Pat and I started dating I worked out five to six days a week. It was nothing to go 45 minutes on the Eliptical, do weights and then go out. If I tried that now, I'd be in bed for a solid two days! I was so fit (and stupid) that I would wear a jog bra and biker shorts BY THEMSELVES! Who does that? That's crazy! It probably helped that I worked out at a place called Ladie's Only! Either way, I was way hotter than I am now... :) I say this jokingly, but it's a horrible slap in the face to see myself in the mirror and know that I've allowed this to happen. I'm not huge or anything. Some wouldn't even call me fat, but I'm not thin. I'm out of shape and I have a jello gut! Three kids, yo-yo dieting and too much couch time have caught up with me. Don't even mention the fact that I'm a hell of a lot closer to 40 than I am to 30...
Regardless, I'm starting anew (for about the bazillionth time). I downloaded an app for my iPod, called couch25K, which is basically a beginner's guide to getting into running (mind you there was a time in my life when I'd run around 4 miles a few times a week). This will be a process that I hope rebirths the runner that I used to be. I need it to do that... I will start this new journey tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes... Wish me luck- one day at a time!
9 years ago
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