Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

That's me...
This morning, much like every other morning, I got up a bit late, opted out of showering, got myself "ready" and then turned on the hall light to warn the girls of their impending wake-up. Mairin was ready to face the day. She jumped up and immediately asked if I'd curl her hair today (yes, I love that). Maggie however, well, she is like me. She's looking to get up a bit late everyday. Unfortunately, her late coincides with mine, making me later and grumpier. While I was curling Mairin's hair I asked Pat to get Mags going. He comes running breathlessly back into the room to tell me that Maggie has thrown-up in her bed (again)... UGH! It's my day to call in... Not cool... I head in there with my sympathetic mom face on to be greeted by a smile filled with loose, crooked teeth and a little girl giggling furiously. "Gotcha, Mommy! April Fools!" Good one...

On the way home with Molly I called to see how the girls' days were. Mags told me she marked her star card (behavior sheet) for being bad in class (definite grounds for punishment). I asked why, and she giggled that giggle and yelled, "APRIL FOOLS!" into my ear! Not again! Then she told me that she lost her tooth (that crooked, loose one mentioned earlier). I didn't believe that one. "Sure, nice try..." Turns out, she really did. Now she only has one front tooth hanging on by a thread. I told her that the tooth fairy pays double if a kid loses both front teeth in the same day because she only has to make one trip. Too bad, though, I couldn't get it. Heck, maybe I'll leave her a note from the tooth fairy- "Sorry Kid, I'm broke! APRIL FOOLS!"


noblehousewife said...

Awesome! So funny.

noblehousewife said...
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